Saturday, June 14, 2014

Materials used for making Electric Bulbs

                    In Dec. 18, 1878 the great scientist Thomas Alva Edison invented the Electric bulb. From the moment the light bulb was invented to till now people creates the different types of light with some different materials for reducing the power consumption, avoiding the global warming, produce a brighter light source and reducing the heat production. But after the light bulb was invented till now the basic principle of the light bulb not changed. There are different lights are used for different purposes, each bulbs uses some different materials. Today we are going to see that things, (i.e) What are the materials are used for making Electric Bulbs?
lightening earth

There are some of the materials are commonly used for making light bulbs like Tungsten, mercury, aluminum, glass
and some of the gases. But the different types of lamps uses some different materials and gases. Let’s see that things one by one. Every lamps uses the Aluminum for it’s bottom cap and Glass for it’s outer layout.

1. Incandescent Lamp

electric bulb                Incandescent lamp is the world’s first electric bulb, but nowadays it is commonly used in various places including households, offices, street lights, etc. In this lamp the Tungsten is used as a element material and it is surrounded with argon/nitrogen gas. 

                The electricity is passed through the tungsten filament then the tungsten produces the light source.  Some of the other pars of this bulb is mostly made with the glass such as pinch,exhaust tube and the fuse is made with the copper.

 2. Halogen

Halogen bulb                These bulbs are variation of incandescent bulb technology. Tungsten filament is enclosed in a tube and the filament is surrounded with Halogen gas. 

               The tungsten and halogen makes a chemical reaction. So the bulb produces more temperature (i.e) 300 watt bulb can produce over 300 degree C of heat.

 3. Fluorescent Lamp

Fluorescent Lamp           Argon gas and Mercury. This produces the ultraviolet radiation that bombards the phosphorous coating causing it to emit light.

           Fluorescent bulbs works by pass the electricity through tube. This tube filled with the Argon gas and Mercury. This produces the ultraviolet radiation that bombards the phosphorous coating causing it to emit light.

             Fluorescent bulbs uses Ballast components to provide the correct amount of voltage.
 There are two types of ballasts
1. Magnetic
2. Electric

4. Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)

Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)          Many CFL bulbs are designed to replace the incandescent lights. It’s also called as “Energy saving light”. Because it uses lower power but produces higher light source. These types of lights works like environment friendly because it can't increases the global warming compared to incandescent bulbs.

           The CFL lights are made with Mercury, ballasts, phosphor coating and glass tube. The bulbs are made with very small amount of mercury (4  to 5 milligrams).

 5. Metal Halide Lamp

Metal Halide Lamp

            Arc tube. It is made of either argon gas and it also includes mercury, metal halide salts and ballasts. Commonly used ballasts are high-reactance autotransformer (HK-KPF), constant wattage isolated transformer (CWI), constant wattage autotransformer and regulated lag ballasts.

 6. Neon Lamp

Neon lamp      It is a type of gas discharge lamp. This lamp usually holds a small glass capsule that contains a mixture of Neon and other gases at low pressure and two electrodes (Anode and cathode).
                The appropriate current is flows between the electrodes the lamp produces an orange glow discharge. Usually the neon lamps are very small in size these are used for decorating the dresses with light like Drone, shoes, etc. 

7. Discharge Lamp

Discharge lamp           It has a  glass or silicon envelope containing two metal electrodes(anode and cathode) separated by a gas. The electricity flows between the electrodes and it produces the light source.

          Gases includes neon, argon, xenon, sodium, mercury, etc.

8. LED (Lighting Emitting Diode) 

       The LED bulbs are made with the semiconductor materials with  two terminals anode and cathode.There are different semiconductor materials are used to make the different colors of LED's.Each materials produces the different colors.

       The followings are the some of the semiconductor materials used on LED's 
  1. Aluminium Gallium arsenide (AlGaAl)
  2. Aluminium Gallium  Indium (AlGaIn)
  3. Aluminium Gallium  Indium Phosphide (AlGaInP)
  4. Aluminium Nitride (AlN)
  5. Gallium Arsenide (GaAs)
  6. Gallium Arsenide Phosphide (GaAsP)
  7. Gallium Phosphide(GaP)
  8. Indium Gallium Nitride (InGaN)
  9. Indium Gallium Phosphide (InGaP)
    Without these materials the lights can't be made ,without the light bulbs the world can't be the same like today. Because the light bulbs shapes world for example the light bulbs used in every things in the world like remote controllers, flash lights, traffic signals, etc also without the lights today's technology can't works  b'coz the mobiles phones and computer screens are also made with the light bulbs that is LETs (Pixels).

Today's Quote:

                "It's hard to beat a person who never Gives Up"
                                                                                                         - Babe Ruth


  1. बल्ब के आविष्कार होने से पहले एक समय ऐसा भी था जब लोग रौशनी के लिए दिए, मोहम्बत्ति का इस्तमाल किया करते थे. लेकिन इस प्रकार के चीज़ों का अगर सही तरीके से इस्तमाल नहीं किया गया था बहुत सी दुर्घटनाएं भी हो जाती थी. वहीँ इसके अलावा इनका रख रखाव भी उतना आसान नहीं था.

    लेकिन जब थॉमस ऐल्वा एडीसन ने बल्ब का आविष्कार कर दिया तब मानो पुरे विश्व का चित्र ही बदल गया. अब लोगों को अँधेरे से और डरने की कोई जरुरत नहीं पड़ती थी. साथ में हम केवल घर नहीं घर के बाहर भी बल्ब का इस्तमाल होने लगा. तो आज के इस आर्टिकल में हम ये जानेंगे की आखिर बल्ब का आविष्कार किसने किया था और कब किया था. वहीँ उसके अलावा भी कुछ जरुरी जानकारी के विषय में जानेंगे.
