
Saturday, December 13, 2014

How to become an expert in Photoshop

               Photoshop is the most powerful industry leading image and graphics editing software in the world. It was developed and published by Adobe Systems in 1988 by Thomas and John Knoll. Since then Photoshop is the raster graphics editor then it's competitors. Adobe continuously updates Photoshop versions and includes dozens new and exciting features. So learning and being an expert in Photoshop is most important to professionals and photographers. Learning Photoshop is also useful for students and amateurs. 
how to become an expert in photoshop

               Photoshop functionality can be extended by add-on programs called Photoshop plugins. Adobe creates some plugins, such as Adobe Camera Raw, but third-party companies develop most plugins.

Friday, December 12, 2014

How to become an expert in Linux Command Line

                  Linux is a Unix-like and most powerful operating system in the world. It was assembled under the FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) development and distribution. First Linux kernel was released on 5 Oct 1991 by Linus Torvalds. In 2014 Linux Torvalds continuously updates the kernel, so the Linux operating system goes more powerful day by day. So learning Linux command lines are much better than learning some programming languages.  Most of the Linux flavors has both the GUI and the command shell.

how to become an expert in linux command line

                 You don’t need to know the Linux commands for using them, but learning the Linux commands will make you a guru in computer. Many of us always think it’s too difficult to become an expert in Linux commands.

How to become an expert in Logic Gates (Videos)

           Logic Gates are the physical devices or building blocks of a digital circuits.Logic gates are implementation of a Boolean functions. It performs a logical operations with two or more logical inputs and produces a single logical output. There are seven basic logic gates such as AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR, and XNOR. Logic gates are very very important for our modern computing and a Computer Architecture. If you want to become an expert in a logic gates
you need to be know everything about these logic gates.  Here we have a best video tutorials for learning everything about logic gates from basic level to advanced level. Watch these tutorials on YouTube from top universities and professionals.If you would like to learn from video tutorials then go to How to become an expert in Logic Gates (Books) post.

how to become an expert in logic gates

1. Popular Logic gate & Electronic circuit

           This tutorials series covers many topics such as Integrated Circuits, Experiment as part of the

How to become an expert in Electronics

                  Electronics deals with electrical circuits, it interacts with active electronic components such as transistors, resisters, diodes and integrated circuits. Vacuum tubes were the one of earliest component in history. But today there are lot of high efficient electronic components available. If you want to be an expert in electronic then you most have proficient knowledge in many things. For example the electronic components such as capacitors, inductors, diodes, thyristors, transistors, Logic Gates and resistors, electronic equipment's such as amplifier, radio receiver (oscillator) and  various meters such as ammeter, volt meter, etc.

how to become an expert in electronics

                     The Computer Architecture designing also primarily depends on electronic circuits. Today we brought you the Top 5 great video tutorials to become an expert in all of these things.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

How to become an expert in Logic Gates (Books)

               The understanding of logic gates and Boolean functions is most important part of an electronics engineer's skill set. Here are the top 5 books to become an expert in Logic Gates. If you would like to learn from video tutorials then go to How to become an expert in Logic Gates (Videos) post.

                 DIGITAL LOGIC offers the right balance of classical and up-to-date treatment of combinational and sequential logic design for a first digital logic design class.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

How to become an Expert in Computer Architecture

Computer Architecture is a standard or discipline for design the hardware, software and connects all the software's and hardware's to perform the desired operations. To become an expert in this computer architecture will takes some times and hard work with dedication. Once you become an expert in this then you can control the computers. There are so many resources are available on on-line & also in off-line.  The only thing you need is your hard work with complete dedication.

become an expert in computer architecture

Here we are going to give you a top 5 YouTube Playlists and top 5 books to become a computer architecture expert. Here we go.

Top 5 YouTube Playlists

Everybody know to learn something visually we cannot forget it and also we can completely 
understand them. So learning with video tutorials are easy