Logic Gates are the physical devices or building blocks of a digital circuits.Logic gates are implementation of a Boolean functions. It performs a logical operations with two or more logical inputs and produces a single logical output. There are seven basic logic gates such as AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR, and XNOR. Logic gates are very very important for our modern computing and a Computer Architecture. If you want to become an expert in a logic gates
you need to be know everything about these logic gates. Here we have a best video tutorials for learning everything about logic gates from basic level to advanced level. Watch these tutorials on YouTube from top universities and professionals.If you would like to learn from video tutorials then go to How to become an expert in Logic Gates (Books) post.
1. Popular Logic gate & Electronic circuit
This tutorials series covers many topics such as Integrated Circuits, Experiment as
part of the
EE223, Introduction to Digital Electronics Module.etc. This is one of the circuits in the EE223 Introduction to Digital and Analogue electronics module at Dublin City University.
EE223, Introduction to Digital Electronics Module.etc. This is one of the circuits in the EE223 Introduction to Digital and Analogue electronics module at Dublin City University.
2. Digitalel Elctronics and Systems
This huge 40 lecture series on Digital Circuits &
Systems by Prof.S.Srinivasan, Department of Electrical Engineering from IIT Madras covers everything about digital electronics and systems.
3. LogicGates Tutorial Series
With this 10 updated videos for logic gates from introduction to advanced level you can learn lot about logic gates.
4. Logic gates
Logic gates Classroom lecture by Pradeep Kshetrapal. This entire tutorial series covers following many topics such as Project Report on Logic Gates, Logic Gates Tutorial, Logic Gates Circuit, Logic Gates Technology, Digital Logic Gates, OR Gate, AND Gate, NOT Gate, Combinations of Gates, Boolean Algebra, Boolean expressions, Truth Tables etc.
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Today's Quote:
"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps".
- Confucius.
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